PHYSICAL GEO. - Pedicting weather condition

PHYSICAL GEO. - Identification and location of place in their environment

PHYSICAL GEO. - Identifying different elements of the weather

PHYSICAL GEO. - Observing and recording weather condition

WIND VANE - Characteristic of the various clouds

WIND VANE - Fabricating some weather instruments

WIND VANE Identification of the Vegetation in Cameroon

WIND VANE Identifying orientation instruments

WIND VANE Predicting weather condition

WIND VANE- Using Instrument to measure weather and keep records

WIND VANE Using orientation instrument

ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY- Carrying out activities for subsistence

ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY- Evaluation the condition of some economics activities

PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY - Carrying out activities for subsistence

PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY - Describing some economics activities in the locality

HUMAN GEOGRAPHY - Human activities in the various seasons

HUMAN GEOGRAPHY - Identification ef the various ethnic group in the locality

HUMAN GEOGRAPHY - Respecting the origin of each and everyone

HUMAN GEOGRAPHY - Respecting the Origin of each and everyone

HUMAN GEOGRAPHY -Identifying the various etnic group in Cam