
PHYSICS LowerSixth science

CHAPTER 6 system of particule and rotation

X. Angular Momentum

The moment of linear momentum is called angular momentum.

It is denoted by L.

Angular momentum, L = I ω = mvr

In vector form, L = I ω = r x mv

Its unit is ‘joule-second’ and its dimensional formula is [ML2T-1].

Torque, τ = dL / dt

Conservation of Angular Momentum

If the external torque acting on a system is zero, then its angular momentum remains conserved.

If τ ext. 0, then L = I (ω) = constant I1 ω1 = I2 ω2

Angular Impulse

Total effect of a torque applied on a rotating body in a given time is called angular impulse. Angular impulse is equal to total change in angular momentum of the system in given time. Thus, angular impulse


par Claude Foumtum
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PHYSICS LowerSixth science