
Logic Form 5 Art



       Logic and science: Logic as science is the study of the principles and laws of deductive inferences or of the methods of proof or of demonstration. It is a theoretical normative science. It is the study of winning strategies in a game of argument, the theory of say talking about the game of football but pure sciences are empirical and interested in collecting data and information about the ways in which people do in fact argue. These science are like playing the actual football itself. So one can say that logic is a theoretical science while other sciences are practical and empirical.

       Logic and mathematics: Logic is the study of words, concepts and variables such as p,q,r,s and t without any fixed meanings. It is the study of the various ways in which symbols are intellectually manages in a logical system. Arguments presented in word are often not clear, vague and confusing but

 With the use of symbols as in symbolic logic it renders understandability. This is similar to what is happening in mathematics but in mathematics they use few variable like x,y,z and preoccupy most of their work using numerals and figures.

 However, logic and mathematics and logic and sciences are bed-fellows. They are in most situations inseparable. After all, most early thinkers were scientists and mathematicians like Thales, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Einstein, Newton, Descartes, john Venn, George Boole etc. No doubt, some people even define Logic as the Science of the laws of thought that govern correct reasoning. Logic is the search for the truth and all these science subjects are also in search for the truth using the scientific methodology.


  Logic and psychology: logic is concerned with the justification of ideas and statements and not the thinking process at such. Thinking processes themselves are the subject matter of psychology. Psychology is concerned to ask how a person came to think of this idea or to make this or that claim.

Psychology would be interested in the fact that Mr. X discovered a remedy for Y while dreaming but logic asks what reasons are there for accepting Mr. X’s discovery.

     Psychology studies how people actually do think meanwhile logic is interested in how people should think if they want to think clearly and reason validly.


   Logic and history: Logic is an art because it deals with the techniques of reasoning. Logic as art (history), the practice of logic like that of any other art will help perfect the art subjects (History, Geography, languages, Economics etc.). The study and analysis of sound arguments as well as mistakes (fallacies) committed in reasoning is the art of finding reasons or evidence which do in fact support or prove our conclusions. Cicero sees logic ‘’ the mother of all arts, the true medicine of the mind’’. After all we cannot be discussing logic without discussing the history of logic.


   LOGIC AND LAW: one of the reasons why we study logic as you must have realized is to discover and formulate laws of thought that govern correct reasoning. Logic therefore is the science of the laws of thought that govern correct reasoning. No reasoning can proceed without laws and principles. If rules are not applied our reasoning will be fallacious. In Logic, these laws, rules and principles need to be followed seriously so as to avoid errors. Hence, we have basic laws of thought and specific rules regarding reasoning, discussion and arguments. Lawyers use logic and language to win arguments. They study fallacies and use them to win cases. E.g. A lawyer asked a young girl this question: Have you stopped sleeping with old men? The girl said ‘’ yes sir’’. This logically means she had been sleeping with old men and just stopped today. If she said ‘’ No sir’’ its means she is even ready to sleep with an old now. You realize that logic and law move hand-in-hand.


Logic and Philosophy: Logic is one of the most successful tools used in Philosophy. It is one of the most successful and important branches of philosophy. Over the years logic has undergone a lot of innovations and has given rise to a lot of applications in practical life. It deals with reasoning. It is a systematic and establish criteria of valid inferences and demonstrations. It reflects upon the nature of thinking itself. It helps one to reason well and correctly. Logic sharpens the minds of philosophers. A philosophers. A philosopher who has studied logic is more likely to reason correctly than the one who has never thought about the general principles involved in the activity of reasoning.

par Claude Foumtum
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Logic Form 5 Art