Scientist have been using computer to develop theory and to analyze and test data. The high speed and accuracy of the computer aloud different scientific analysis to be carry out.
Computer has revolutionized the hole process of education currently, the classroom, libraries, and measures are efficiently utilizing computer to make the education much more interesting.
3.Medicine and health care
They have been increasing use of computer in the field of medicine known; doctors are using computer right for diagnosing the illness to monitory patience during complex surgery.
4.Engineering (architecture)
Architect and engineer are extensively using computer in designing and drawing. Computer can create object that can be view from all the three dimension.
Computer finding greater use in entertainment, they are use to control the images and sons. The special effect which maximizes the audience would not have been possible with the computer.
E-mail or electronic mails is one of the communication media which the computer is used.
7.Business application
This is one of the important of the computer. Initially, computers were used for bad processing jobs where one does not requires the immediate respond from the computer. Currently computers are mainly use for real time application like at the save counter that requires immediate response to the computer.
Computers have created a field called desk top publishing(dtp), in DTP, with the help of computer on the laser one can performs a publishing job all by one cell
Computers are intensively used in the field of banking and finance. People can use the automatic teller machine service 24 hours a day to deposit