Découvrez d'autres livres de ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE LEVEL 2
IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT - Availabble places and services
IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT - Availabble places and services in the community
IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT - Available place and use of available services
IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT - Locating places in the community
IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT - Locating places in the community
IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT - Showing love for the environment
IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT - Use of services in the community
LIVING AND NO LIVING THING - Classification living and non living thing
LIVING AND NO LIVING THING - Comparing living and non living thing
LIVING AND NO LIVING THING - Differentiating lliving and non living thing
LIVING AND NO LIVING THING - Explain the characteristics of living thing
LIVING AND NO LIVING THING - Showing appropriate care for thing
LIVING AND NO LIVING THING - Showing appropriate care for thing
ANIMAL - Classification of animals
ANIMAL - Describing the different habits of animals
ANIMAL - Differences between domestic and wild animals
ANIMAL - Explaining the importance of animals
ANIMAL - Practicing conservation of animals
BIRDS - Describing the differents habitats of birds
BIRDS -Differences between domestic and wild birds
BIRDS - Conservation of birds
BIRDS - Conservation of birds
BIRDS - Description of birds according to their features
BIRDS -Differentiating the mean of feeding of bird
FISHES - Identifying the various type of fish
FISHES - Modifying eating habits
FISHES -Description of a various methods of fishing
FISHES -Description of part of the fish
FISHES -Identifying a various tools of a fishman
INSECTS - Conforming with environmental ethics
INSECTS - Differentiating the various types of insects
INSECTS - Protecting insects
INSECTS -Classifying insects
PLANTS - Care for plants and flowers
PLANTS - Describing the characteristics of seeds
PLANTS - Differenting plants and flowers
PLANTS - Explaining the agent fo seeds dispersal
PLANTS -Identifying the various types of seeds
MATTER- Description of a various state of matter
MATTER- Drinking water regularly
MATTER- Drinking water regularly
MATTER- Explain the qualities of potable water
MATTER- Protecting the source of water
MATTER- Sources of water and their use
MATTER- Supporting care for school water
POLLUTION - Describing the different types of pollution
POLLUTION - Differentiating between organics and in-organics waste
POLLUTION - Differenting types of pollution
POLLUTION - Disposing of dirts responsible
POLLUTION - Practising wastte separating
POLLUTION - Ways of preventing pollution
ENVIRONMENT HAZARDS - Analysing problem related to Evironment hazards
ENVIRONMENT HAZARDS - Demostrating awareness
ENVIRONMENT HAZARDS - Preventive measure of Environment Hazards
ENVIRONMENT HAZARDS - Protecting the environment hazards
ENVIRONMENT HAZARDS - Slogans for Environment Protection
ENVIRONMENT HAZARDS - Stating the env. hazards in the locality
ENVIRONMENT HAZARDS - Stating the env. hazards in the locality
PLANTING - Raising wareness on env. protection
PLANTING - Proposing Env. campaign slogans
PLANTING - Protecting the Environment
SOILS - Characteristics of the different types of soils
SOILS -Raising wareness on env. protection
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