A binary operation * is defined over the set B can be represented on a square table as follows;
Set B = {a, b, c}

Order of a group; this is just the number of element in the set.
An operation * is defined on the set of multiplication, where S = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} in mod 10
- draw an operation table for the set S under *
- state whether the set forms a group or not
- state the order of the group

- the operation is closed since no element is added
- (1*3) *5= 1* (3*5) [locate in diagram]
3*5 = 1*5
5 = 5 hence associative
- From operation above, identity element e = 1, because at “1” the set repeats vertically and horizontally
- The inverse of an element is gotten where the identity element is found in the set of operation (painted in yellow above), that is;

Hence the operation has no inverse since not complete. And therefore doesn’t form a group
- The order of the operation = 5