Taxonomy: the science of naming and describing species.
They are millions of living organisms and in other to study them we have to put them in groups. We put organisms in groups base on their common features and these help us to better manage the complex nature of organism. When we classify we put organism into specific groups which will better isolate them into other. If this organism where joined together, they will be a lot of disorder.
Therefore when we classify we create order out of disorder. it is this grouping of organisms which is called classification. This classification is base on their similarity and their differences where organisms that similar are placed the same group.
Taxonomy deals with description, with identification and with the nomenenclature of organisms and their classification into the different kingdoms.
Definition Nomenclature
This is the accurate naming and grouping of a large diversity of organism. Some biologists think that classification is a mere convenience but others hold that in a classification scheme, there is natural classification due to the fact that all other organisms are related. Somehow to one another, Classification can also be based on the relative importance or evolutionary history.
The biological classification of organism and their name is what is called Taxonomy.