Privatisation is also known as deationalisation of the transfer of stae owned enterprises to private ownership for effective management and profit maximization . The aim of privatization is to encourage the business culture in the economy and to introduce competition and free market economy activities.
- The scale od state owned companies generate immediate revenue for the state.
- Privatisation encourages greater efficiency and greater economy and measures industries in the economy.
- Government spending reduces hence reducing the burden of the tax payers
- Enables consumers to have a right choice since many firms produce many unity of goods
- The introduction of private management leads to serious competition there by increasing the quantity of product and services.
- The government may loss as important source of revenue
- Privatisation does not provide merit goods
- It lead to unemployment most workers in the privatized industries may be retrenched to maintain running cost
- It may lead to the risk od discontinuity because individuals usually go to bankrupt
- Privatisation does not take care of extern abilities because private individuals are only interested in the profit.