Writing is an extremely demanding activity. Writers stays up hill task of passing across their though to a reader without the help of facial expressions tone of voice to enhance understanding in speech.
In short the writer has just ink and paper with no second chance of clarifying the readers doubts. To write effectively, you need to employ two main resources; your language and your ideas.
Word are the writer’s basic building blocks often; the different between a clear sentence and an in comprehensible one could just be in terms of a meaning and usage. As a student ( writers) the dictionary is your closes companion since you work with words. Words combined to form sentences. A sentence has at least one clause. A clause has 2 main parts ;
- The subject: what you intent to comment about.
- The predicate: the order in which words combine to form sentences in any language is known as the world order.
The sentence is the basic unit of speech and writing. We express ourselves when ever we speak or write in sentences. A complete statement has at least one clause.