Ovaries: for the production of egg
Oviduct or fallopian tube: passage of egg or aval and site for fertilisation
Uterus or womb: site of the development of the embryo during pregnancy
Cervix : muscular opening into the vagina which act as a passage for the foetus to the exterior and passage for menstrual flow
Vulva: opening of the vagina
The first sign of puberty for a young girl is usually a monthly discharge of blood from the utherus through the vagina. This is called menstration. During the period an absorbent part must be change regularly and get paid off hygienically.. the first menstration experience by a young girl is known as a menarche. The main purpose of menstration is to make sure eggs are available to be fertilize and the uterus is ready to receive the fertilize egg and help to developed into a baby. The cycle is completely control by homones, menstration help a girl to known that she is fertile and mature however it has some discomfort which include
- Abdominal pains
- Public disgrace
- Anaemia
- Physical discomfort
The menstral cycle takes in average 28 days how ever menstral cycle ranging from about 21 to 33 days are normal and a young girl may take about 3 years before her period becomes normal however some factors may cause menstration to be irregular or stop completely this factors are;
- Stress
- Emosional disturbance
- Malnutrition
- Menopause
The menstrual period usually last for about 5 days
ABOUT 14 DAYS FROM the beginning of menstration gravian follicles rubtures and release the matured egg the funnel of the oviduct this is called oviduct. Usually one egg is release every moth by one of the ovary, ovulation is traggered by a hormone called lutenizina hormones during intercourse. If the egg is not fertilize within 36 hours it will breakdown during ovulation, progesterone is also release which causes the uterine lining to remain soft and tick.