
english language from 1

Chapter 1;The Noun

Types of nouns

Nouns are classified according to the things they name. Nouns name people, places, and specific things, groups of things or abstract things. There are four types of nouns.


a) Proper nouns


Read these sentences silently

I) Eposi is a new student in this school.

ii) Moki lives in Moly ko.

iii) Molyko is near mt. Fako.


Eposi is the name of a specific person (a student).

Molyko is the name of a specific place.

Mt. Fako is the name of a specific thing.


b) Common nouns

Words such as student and school do not name specific items. So they are called common nouns. Common nouns are names of things in general. Examples of common nouns are desk, table, blackboard, pencil, and book.



c) Abstract nouns

Some words name things we can think about. These could be things we smell, hear, feel, or neither see nor touch. some of them exist in our minds such as ideas and qualities.

Look at these examples of things we can neither touch nor see ;


Laziness, tiredness, hunger, intelligence, behaviour, neatness, foolishness, Air, beautiful, noise, silence.


These are examples above are abstract noun.


Any noun that names a thing which we cannot see or touch is called an abstract noun.


d) Collective nouns

Some nouns name a group of things or people or animals. Look at these examples


An army of soldiers.

A flock of sheep.

A bunch of bananas.

A gang of thieves.

A colony of bees. 

The words army, flock, bunch, gang, and colony are examples of collective nouns. Noun that name a collection or group of things, people or animals are called collective nouns.

par Claude Foumtum