
history FROM 1

Chapter 3: the Early Civilizations

Political organization in the ancient civilizations

          The settlements that were set up in the various cradles of civilization in the world grew from villages into city states. Given man's desire for orderly life and progress, the people started organizing themselves. This organization was necessary since the people needed to do many things together or in groups. For example, share and cultivate the land, hunt animals for food, defend themselves against wild animals or wild neighbours, protect themselves from disasters such as floods, among many other reasons. In this process of organization some persons stood out as being very qualified to lead the city. Such persons were not only intelligent or wise, but were also powerful, hardworking, disciplined and gifted, among many other qualities.

          Usually a strong man emerged who became chief or king and began to put some order in the city. This leader was then assisted by other influential persons who were nobles. Such nobles were the ones who served as priests, ministers and leading personnel when a government was set up. Laws were then put in place, an army set up and a civil service assured the good government of the city. Each of these officials had his or her functions. For example, the army had the function of ‘defending the city from any attack from outside. Such an army at times was used to conquer the neighbouring territory so that the city or kingdom should become large and more powerful. Such an army was also used to protect trade routes and assure the regular supply of food into the city.

par Claude Foumtum
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