
history FROM 1

Chapter 4: Ancient Egypt (4000 ? 4B.C.)


           Ancient Egypt has come to be regarded as man's first civilization. This history of ancient Egypt began some 10. 000B.C. when North Africa experienced a drier climate which corresponded with the end of the last Ice Age in the world. In about 7000B.C some hunters entered the valley of the River Nile in search of animals for food and also fish for food. Later, these hunters settled in large numbers and started an agricultural revolution. As towns grew, the people became more organized. The leaders of the first Egyptian settlements were said to have religious powers with which they could control the floods of the River Nile and also rainfall. Because of this, the priests were influential people in Ancient Egypt and with their help, the first Egyptian kingdom was established in about 3500B. C.

From that date till 332B. C. thirty (30) dynasties reigned and ruled in Ancient Egypt. The manifestation of Ancient Egyptian civilization under these rulers (pharaohs) of the various dynasties is the main subject of this chapter, But before delving into the various aspects of organization in Ancient Egypt, it is necessary to know the factors that favoured the rise and growth of Ancient Egypt and its civilization.

par Claude Foumtum