Numerals are symbols which represent number e.g. I, V, X etc.
There are different types of numerals; roman numerals, hidu-arabic numerals and Egyptian numerals.
Roman numerals
The following are the basic roman numerals and the numbers they represent;
I= 1 C= 100
V= 5 D= 500
X= 10 M= 1000
L= 50
The other numbers are obtained by placing any of the above at the right or left that is:
II= 2 LX= 60
IV= 4 MM= 200
XL= 40
N.B. when a smaller numeral is placed at the right hand side of a larger numeral it is subtracted from the larger one e.g. IV= 5-1= 4
When a larger numeral is placed before or at the right hand side of a smaller numeral it is added to the smaller numeral e.g. VI= 5+1= 6.