
physics FROM 2

Chapter 1: Science and Scientific Methods

Data and application of measurement

              Data is a collection of facts which include; values or measurement obtained from experiment to make conclusions. Data can be numbers, works, measurement, observation or just description of things.

Types of data

There are two types of data namely;

  1. Qualitative data;

It describes something. E.g. color or beauty

  1. Quantitative data;

It is numerical information. Quantitative data is sub-divided into two namely;

  1. Discrete data; it is data that can take only certain values. It can be counted. Example; a dog has four legs
  2. Continuous data; it is data that can take any value within a certain range. It is measured. Example; a bag of cement is 50 kg.

        Other types of data include;

  1. Raw data; this is unprocessed or unmodified data obtain from an experiment
  2. Processed data; this is the modified data or simplified mathematically to facilitate the process of analysis
  3. Analyzing data; this involves determining what the result from the experiment shows and deciding on the next action to take. It also involves applying mathematical techniques to study the relation between the collected data.

Data can be analyzed by plotting a graph of the measured variables or quantities. From the shape of the graph below the relationship between the variables is obtained. That is;


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Characteristics of good data

  1. A good data should be assurated complete
  2. Reliable and consistent
  3. Reproducible that is same for two or more person under the same condition
  4. Involve a large number of trails so as to reduce errors and increase accuracy.

Data collection:

         It is the process of gathering and measuring information or targeted variable in a systematic manner.

Importance of collecting data

  1. Data gives a scientist a guide or starting point for further investigation
  2. Experimental conclusion depend on data collected, so if data collected is false or wrong this will lead to a poor conclusion.

Ways of collecting data

  • by observation
  • by questioning
  • by interviewing
  • by carrying out experiment

Presenting data

Data can be presented in;

  • tables
  • drawing
  • chart e.g. bar chart, histogram and pie chart
  • graph
par Claude Foumtum