
Biology 1 from 3

Chapter 1 CELLS


1°) Cell membrane or cell surface membrane:    

It surrounds the cell and is very thin. It is here that exchange of materials between the cell and it surrounding takes place. Cell membranes allow only some substances to pass in and out of them and not others .So they are said to be differentially or selectively permeable. The cell membranes also have receptor molecules on their surfaces which enable cells to respond to chemical such as hormones. 

                       2°) Cytoplasm

Cytoplasm refers to all the living substance of a cell except the nucleus. The cytoplasm contain many substances dissolved in it especially proteins. It contains organelles.

       3°) Nucleus:

The nucleus is the largest organelle it is bounded by a nuclear membrane. The nucleus contain molecules of it inheritance and controls all the activities of the cell.

      4°) Nucleolus:

It is an area within the nucleus it is made up of RNA and helps in the production of Ribosome.

5°) Vacuole:

In plant cells, the vacuole is field with sap. Mature plant cell have a large permanent vacuole at the center. A membrane called tonoplast surround the vacuole of a plant cell. In animal cells, there are small, numerous temporal vacuole.

6°) Glycogen Granule:

A form of food storage in animal cells.

7°) Cell Wall:

It is made up of cellulose and completely surrounds the cell membrane.  It is found only in plant cells. Most cell walls are completely permeable to water and salt. The presence of cell wall makes cell to be distinct under a microscope. It gives the plant cell it shape and prevent the plant cell from bursting when filled with water.

8°) Chloroplast:

They are green discs scattered over the cytoplasm of plant cell. They contain chlorophyll which absorbs sun light for the process of photosynthesis. They are therefore the site for photosynthesis.

  9°) Starch Grains:

This is the form of food storage in plant cells.

par Claude Foumtum