
Biology 1 from 3



Bacteriophages are viruses which infects live and reproduce in a bacteria cell like an Escnerichia coli.

  • Stage A: Shows a virus approaching a bacterium.
  •  Stage B: The virus attaches it cell to the bacterium.
  • Stage C: In stage C, the DNA of the virus enters the bacterium leaving the empty protein coat and tackle on the outside of the bacterium.
  • Stage D: The varium DNA now multiply rapidly within the bacterial cell and in a short time enough new virions are formed.
  • Stage E: The viral DNA the acquires a new protein coat and boil and end is stage E forming mature viruses.
  • Stage F: The bacterium new ruptures and the cell contains together with the mature viruses are discharged into the environment. Each virus can now attack a healthy bacterium.


  1. AIDS ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome )
  1. Causative agent: Human Immune Virus (HIV)
  2. Method of spread:

-Through sexual intercourse with an infected person.

-Blood transfusion with blood from an infected person.

-Using or sharing infected blades, syringes, needles, etc.

-During pregnancy from an infected mother to the foetus or through breast milk.

  1. Incubation period: Many years
  2. Signs and symptoms: Loss of weight, persistent fever, prolonged dry cough, diarrhea, skin rashes, etc.
  3. Prevention and control:

-Abstinence from sexual intercourse

-Males and females should use condoms, during sexual inter course with suspected partners.

-Avoid sexual promiscuity.

-Blood should be screened before transfusion.

-Avoid sharing blades, needles, syringes.

-Infected pregnant women should take drugs which will prevent the transmission of the virus to the foetus.

  1. Poliomyelitis
  1. Causative agent: Polio virus.
  2. Method of spread: Water and food borne.
  3. Incubation period: 7-12 days.
  4. Signs and symptoms: Fever, headache, stiffness of the neck and other muscles.
  5. Prevention and control:

-Vaccination with the Salk or Sabin vaccine.

-Boil water for all purposes before use.

-Good food and personal hygiene.

  1. Influenza
  1. Causative agent: Haemophilus virus
  2. Method of spread: Airborne
  3. Incubation period: 1-3 days
  4. Signs and symptoms: Headache, fever, loss of appetite, weakness and general pains.
  5. Prevention and control:


-Avoid overcrowding.

-Good ventilation.

  1. Measles
  1. Causative agent: Marbillo virus.
  2. Method of spread: Airborne
  3. Signs and symptoms: Sore throat, running nose, watery eyes, cough and fever, small white spot appears inside the mouth on wall of cheek. Two days later, a reddish rash appears on neck and behind ear, spreading over the rest of the body.
  4. Prevention and control:

-Giving life attenuated vaccines.

-Good ventilation.

-Isolation of patient and avoiding of overcrowding in school.


  1. Harmful Effects

-Causes diseases to man. Eg: poliomyelitis, AIDS, etc.

-Destroy plants some of which are economically important.

  1. Useful Effects

-Used in research to produce vaccines. Eg: the vaccine against poliomyelitis.

-Some attack and destroy diseases causing bacteria

-Used for biological control.

-Used for genetic engineering.

par Claude Foumtum