- Climate: it is described as the cold temperate continental climate with mild temperature which allows the grow of pastures.
- Relief: areas of the world where livestock farming takes place are relatively flat and allows the easy movement of animal where as in a ranch there is limited space for movement of animals
- Soil: soils are very fertile. The soil at this point is known as chenozerns and chest nut whch are favourable for the growing of grass and alfafa pasture used in feeding the animals
- Land: there is abundance land where ranching is practiced due to low population density.
- Demand: world demand for meat and other bi-products are increasing every day then more livestock are needed to meet ip demand.
Problems of livestock ranching
- Animals sometime suffer from ticks and diseases
- Sometimes the regions are affected by droughts leading to the death of animals
- Providing livestock products face competition with synthetic fibre, natural wool etc.