
Geography FROM 4 ART

CHAPTER 3 : Resource and exploitation

Factors affecting timber exploitation in the temperate forest

Exploitation and extraction of timber in the temperate forest is more developed than the tropical forest, also the coniferous forest are by far demanded than the tropical hardwood. They are used for construction and for industrial purpose.

  1. Stands of timber:

Exploitation of timber from the temperate forest is made very easy as most of the trees species are found in stands. Most often, clear felling is used where all the trees are removed.

  1. Demand for timber

There is expanding demand for soft wood especially by the paper and pulp industries and cellulose. They are equally demanded by construction industries and also for furniture.

  1. Access to market

Most coniferous forest are near measure industrial areas and developed countries where the demand of timber product is so high.

Timber is pulped before transported thereby reducing its weight thus less cost in transporting. E.g. Britain imports large quantity of pulp in Sweden, USA consumes pulp in Canada thus there is a less transportation cost and a ready market.

  1. Handling:

Rejuvenation of the forest in the temperate area can’t be compared with a tropical forest. Here, aforestation and reforestation surpasses deforestation. There is more of tree farming as well as the development of communities for forest workers thus, more income is equally earned.


Problems affecting world’s forest today

  • Demand for agricultural land
  • The demand for fuel wood
  • Expanding settlements
  • Over cutting of trees
  • Growth of industrial regions
  •  Wild forest fires
par Claude Foumtum