Over one billion people in the world live in extreme poverty. In every population struggling to survive, poor countries grow poorer and the development gap widens. At this rate, when people in the poor countries where caught up in the cycle of poverty where children became poorer than their parent.
- Children became poorer than parents
- Poor families with several children
- Earn little or no money for children
- Children get little or no education
- Children may be illiterate or develop limited skills
- Get worst paid jobs or find no jobs
- And the cycle restarts from 1
Causes of absolute poverty
- Most working population are engaged in subsistence working hence earn little
- A high percentage of youth population are not productive and depend on the poor working population
- The prevalence of cholera, AIDS/HIV, malaria, so much of the money is spent on health
- Poor transport network, months are seasonal which disturbs the flow of service from one part of the country
- Malnutrition
- High birth and death rate
- Low employment
- Political instability
- High level of illiteracy
- Low sanitation