Duties of parents and the rights and duties of a child
A Parent is the father or, and mother of a person.
Duties of a parent
- Provide a home
- Teach social roles and rules to their children
- Send their children to schools
- Discipline their children
- To inculcate the fear of God in their children
- To feed and care for their children especially those who fall sick
Rights and duties of a child
- Rights of a child
- A child has a right to freedom
- A child has a right to education
- A child has a right to nationality by birth
- A child has the right to live
- It is the child right to eat of feed
- It is a child right to health care in case of sickness
- Every child has the right to have a name for identification
- A child has the right to freedom of religion and conscience
- Duties of a child
- It is the duty of a child to obey their parents
- A child has the duty to assist to household chores
- It is the duty of a child to respect elders
- It is the duty of a child to respect all family members
- A child has the duty to study hard in school, earn his or her living and support parents in their old age
- A child must respect the rule and regulations to the institution in which they belong
- A child has the obligation to promote hygiene and keep the environment clean