
computer science from 2

Chapter 3: Configuring input and output devices

Configuring input devices

Computer input devices are characterized by different features and can be configured in different ways. The most frequent modified input property includes: keyboard languages and mouse settings.

  • How to change keyboard language in windows:

Today’s keyboard has different layouts. QWERTY and AZERTY layouts belongs to the world’s most popular layout.

QWERTY LATOUT IS named after the six consecutive letters on the upper left corner of the keypad. This type of keyboard bears the layout used in English-speaking and Latin speaking countries.

The AZERTY layout is a keyboard layout named after the top left six letters. It is use in several French-Speaking countries, including France and Belgium. In order to change your keyboard language:

  1. Go to the start bottom and open control panel
  2. Choose the option “ clock, language and region”
  3. Select “REGIONAL AND LANGUAGE  options” and in the “ installed services “ section click “ Add”
  4. if your keyboard is set to French (AZERTY) change it to English US/UK and if your keyboard is set to English (QWERTY), change the language to French
par Claude Foumtum