A folder is an item that can hold one or more different files. A folder can also contain one or more smaller folders or sub-folders. Folders are sometimes referred to as directories by some users who are used to command lone operating system like DOS. Just like the file each folder has a name that identifies it and represented in most modern operating systems by icons that have a yellow or blue colour. Like windows filenames, a folder name in windows can obtain up to 215 characters including spaces but with the exception of characters such as \ / : * ? <> or |.
Just like computer files, folders can be created, saved, copied, cut, pasted, opened, deleted, renamed or opened. Folders are represented on the screen by small pictures called ICONS.
A Directory is a named group of related files that are separated by the naming of convention from other groups or files.
A typical file system has thousand of files and directories that help to organize them by keeping related files together. A directory contained inside another directory is called a Sub-Directory of that directory. Together, the directories form a hierarchy to tree structure. In other words;
A Directory is an organizational unit used to organize files and subdirectories into a hierarchical structure.
In order to access a file, you may need to specify names of all directories above it. You do this to specify the path.
The topmost directory in any file system is called the ROOT DIRECTORY.
- A directory below another directory is called a subdirectory while a directory above a subdirectory is called the Parental directory.