- HYBRID : the study of genentics was first study by an australian monk named gregor mendels in 1856. He carried out many experiment on the garden pea plant to show how heridity characteristics are transmitted from parent to offsprings. It was only after 1900 that the significans of his web were seen by scientists. The scientific name of gardern pea plant is pisum satirum. The garden pea plant was used by mendels he study many heride characteristic and was able to produce offspring of these plant. What by self and cross polination within the plant, as the result of this experiment mendel ccame to certains conclusion which are known as mendels laws.
A monohybrid cross is one involving 2 individuals that differs in only on character at a time determine by one gene each hight. A monohybrid cross is made by crossing 2 individuals from 2 parent strains, the parent s are called the parent generation. While thier offspring are called the filier generation abbreviate F1.
Ex. when a red flower plant was crossed with a white flower plant all the F1 generation were crossed among themselves 113 red flowerw and 38 white flowers were produced in the F2 generation. Using appropriate symbols and with the aids of diagrams, explain the genetics of these crosses as fully as possible
Let the dominat allele of red flowers=RR
Let the recessive allele for white flowers=rr
Parental phenotype= red x white
113red/38 = 38/38

We have 3 red flowers plants is to 1 white flower plant since the genes for red is dominant over for the white we talk of complete dominany.