The mammalian skeleton or the human skeleton is made up of 2 part.
- The axial skeleton
- Appendicular skeleton
AXIAL SKELETON: it is made up of the skull and vertebrate column or back bone. The skull encloses and protect the brain. It consist of a number of bones firmly joint together at fixed joint. The skull consist of three main region. The cranium or brainbox, the snout or facfe, the lower and upper jaw bones. The vertebratal column is the main axis of the body to which other bones of the body are attached by muscles and ligament. It is made up of a series of brane called vertebrate place end to end.
THE APPENDICULAR SKELETON: it is made up of the pectoral girdle(shoulder). The pelvic girdle (hip), the fore and hind limbs.
A joint is point in the skeleton where 2 or more bones meet there are 3 main types of joint
- Fixed or immovable joint
- Slightly movable joint
- Freely movable or synovial joint.
- FIXED OR IMMOVABLE JOINT: this are joint which do not allow movement of bones. Eg the joints between the joint of the skull(sutures)
- SLIGHTLY MOVABLE JOINT: this are joint that can only move a little or small amount eg vertebrate in the spine
- FREELY MOVABLE OR SYNOVIAL JOINT: they are movable joint containing a lubricating liquid called the synovial fluid which reduces frictions at the joint.