THERE are three basic types of skeleton.
- The hydrostatic skeleton e.g found in plant and animals such as earthworm
- The exoskeleton e.g found in arthropods such as fish, bird, mammals
- The endoskeleton found in animals such as fish, bird, mammals
Th ehuman skeleton is made up of bones and cartilage it is found inside the body the hard part of the bone is made up of alcium salt. Bones can grow and they can made themselves when they are broken. In addition to bone, the human skeleton contain cartilage.
- It supports and raises the body from the ground
- It gives the body a definite shape
- It protect the delecate internals organ from mechanical injury
- It provide a point of attachment for muscles
- It produces red blood cell in bone marrow
- The bones act as store for important minerals
- It helps in the transmition of sound
- It helps in respiration that is the rib cage contribute in breathing mechanism.