Mosquitoes are small grey slender insects with long tiny legs. The body is divided into 3 main parts. The head, the thorax and the abdomen.
The head possesses 2 compound eyes. The male is different from the female in that, the antennae of the female are slender while those of the male are brushy. The head also bears proboscis used for feeding.
The thorax is large and hairy and bears 3 pairs of long slender jointed legs and a pair of transparent veined wings. The second pair of wings are tiny stumps which are used for balance.
The abdomen is slender and is divided into 10 segments. Each segment has a pair of spiracles used for breathing. The spiracles are connected to the tracheae, which carry oxygen from the atmosphere into the body of the mosquitoes and carry carbon dioxide from the body to the environment.
Diagram of mosquito