- There was peaceful partition of Africa without war.
- It achieve the abolition of slave trade and other inhuman practices.
- Europeans adopted the effective occupation and developed establishment of plantation such as trading sectors, roads construction and other society aminities were provided.
- It promoted cooperation amoung Europeans
- It confirms king leopold claims the congo which was handed to him as free state.
- It let to the recognition of colonies that had already be secured before the conference.
- The conference failed guarantee freedom of trade and navigation in the Niger Basin.
- Effective occupation was maintain only in the coastal areas. This created much tension until the Brussels conference of 1890.
- Free access into the interior or by all European traders missionaries and explorers was not respected.
- It failed to promote all aspect of a European cultivation such as the introduction of the European technology.
- The conference failed to guarantee the hintherland because of not penentration started from the coast to the interior.