Availability of consumers good due to mass production.
There was an increase in the standard of living due to availability of good and services.
There was improvement in health due to improvement in medical science and medecins.
Tourism increased because people could move from place to place with availability of aircraft ship and railways.
Trading activities increased due to the avaibility of seaport, railways.
There was a change in educational system with more emphasis in the sciences.
There was increase in national prestriage as industrialised nations dominated the World.
The Europeans traders went out looking form profit as they were encourage by bank through low increase load.
It lead to the expansion of European civilization to other part of the worldespecially during the scramble of Africa.
It lead in telephone of post office services some of the main industrial powers in Europe in 1914 was British that was famous in railway and ship building.
Belgium had large deposite of Coal and iron and also hostile industry.
France was good for textile industry as well as other invention in transport and road building.
Germany were good at building railways and locomoties and they were also good at electricity engineering and led the foundation development for new chemical.
New improvzmznt led to colonial rivalries among European for market for their manufactured good and services for raw materials.
European dominated the world military and economicaly by forcing their civilization another eg British, France , Germany force their culture in Africa.Mass production in military weapon lead to the armsrace in Europe and contributed to the outbreak of the WW1.