Following the end of the franco-prussian war which saw the defeat of france by Germany, Bismark succeeded to unite Germany by the treaty of Franckfurt of 1871. Germany took over Alsace and Loraine from France improvised on her an indemnity of 200 million pounds. German forces were also stationed in France with this, Otto Von Bismarck proclaimed the German Empire and was made chancellor of the united Germany. Bismarck then conducted German foreign policy from 1879 to 1890. The main idea behind Bismarck’s foreign policy was to make Germany to become the greatest land power in Europe and to dominate and isolate France. Bismarck developed a foreign policy that was code named Bismarckian Diplomacy and it consisted of preserving the newly established German Empire by isolating France and avoiding issues that could disturb European peace. For about 20 years Bismarck managed the complicated business of maintaining friendship with all powers except France. However, his diplomacy was short-lived for it collapsed as soon as he left powers following his resignation in 1890. The diplomacy also contributed to the outbreak of the First World War in 1914;