- Taking care of the nose: the nose is the external part of the respiratory system, it taking in air and send out. The nose should be bowled an interval using a handkerchief which must be change regularly. Breathing through the mouth is not very good because the mouth doesn’t have hair to filter the dirts
- Taking care of the eyes: The eyes should be keep clean by washing with clean water to prevent the entering of germs that causes eyes disease from developing.
- Avoid reading in deep light as these causes stress to the eyes which can leads to eyes problem.
- Used medical lenses if you are side a vision is not the best
- Always consult an optician before buying lenses
- It is foolish and dangerous to ware lenses when the eye doesn’t need it
- Taking care of the ears : After breathing of swimming always dry ear with clean to wall to prevent the germination of fungi spors
- Taking care of the teeth: Bruch the teeth more than 2 times a day
- Always bruch your teeth in the night after eaten
- Avoid shape object in the mmouth
- Always use a tooth paste when bruching your teeth
- When you eat in the night food particles stay on your teeth and decompose and when sleeping it decompose and penalises your teeth.
- Taking care of the head: Always keep your hair clean by watching with soap and clean water
- Always dry your hair with a clean towel after washing it
- Always comb your head
- Always make in such a way that your hair should be short and clean
- Taking care of the genitals:
- Men should wash their penis at least once a day with soap and clean water
- Both men and women have to cut hair their genital part
- Women have to wash the genitals part only with clean water
- If women wash with soap soap contain toxic chemicals material that will killed bacterials that protect the genital part.
- For manipulation of object
- For defence
- For non-verbal communication e.g sign language
- It is use for movement
- Use for defense
- Use for sporting activity
- It regulate the body temperature
- Protect the inert part of the body from mechanical and chemical injury
- It is use to produce vitamin D under sun
- The genetal of a female(vagina) function in 4 ways
- It is use for reproduction
- It is use for excretion
- It is use for giving birth
- It is use for sexual purpose(reproduction) the genitals of a male(penis) function in 2 ways
- Use for sexual reproduction
- Use for excretion