
Human Biology Form 5 Science


  • Prevent water pollution
  • Dry digested sludge is use in maniar
  • Meth are is cotton from the digested sludge and there metth
  • It destroyed pathogens
  • It provide employment for those who are working on it


This is solid waste produce from domestic or industrial activities eg paper battle broken bot bucket etc


  • The use of dust in or gabbage  cans they should be made up of steal of stronplastic material. Most have a lid or cover and the must be watch regularly to prevent the growth of pathogens you have to enter your dustbin regularly
  • There are large container in which people of a community drop gabbage or refuse. Refuse collecting lackers carried away the cans when the are full
  • Gabbage bags: this are back in which domestic refuse are collected and later are drop away into refuse collecting dirts. The only disadvantage is that animals usually destroy the back.
  • Vacuum cleaner: this is a machine that success up very thiny particles like dust particle. The particles are store in the back into the machine and are drop a refuse can.
  • It help to collect and domping the waste into the dust bin.


The solid waste management hierarchy recommend the following in order to priority

  • Waste a voidance
  • Waste reduction
  • Waste recycling
  • Waste treatment
  • Waste disporsal


            It means producing less waste that is reducing the amount or the toxicity of the waste produce. This can be done by avoiding excess packing of food and the use of biodegrable materials

REUSE: It involves the cleaning and the reusing in their present formed. It is important vecause it saves time and energy

RECYCLING:  it involve the converting or the read processing of discarded material into new and usable product. Rrcycling involve 3 stages.

  • Collection of discarded material
  • Production of new material by reprocessor
  • Selling to consumers

PRIMARY OR CLOSED LOOP:  it involve the recycling of discarded waste into new product of the same type

SECONDARY OR OPEN LOOP:  it involves the convertion of discarded material into different product and this product are usually of law quality.

INCINERATION:  it involve the burning of refuse and this method should be avoided because it lead to air and soil pollution.

COMPOSITING: It involve the dumping of degradable material into the pin and the pin is cover with the layer of the soil. These material decompose naturally over a short or a long period of time.

LAND FILLS:  it is when refuse are dump in an open area this method is not very good because it causes nuisance and environment crops such as bad colours flies transmitting diseases usable land is wasted. At time circulation is upthructed by the deposition of waste on the road.

OCEAN DUMPING: it is the dumping of refuse into water bodies and it causes the following disadvantages;

  • Death of aquatic organism
  • Water pollution
  • Polarity lead to the change of environment that is changing from aerobic to a near environment

EXPORTING WASTE:  some industrials countries such as japan export their waste product to some lesss develop country like ivory coast and dump their refuse ther . this practive is dangerous  because the waste are usually radio active and usually toxic.


par Claude Foumtum