
Human Biology Form 5 Science



A disease is any change of state of health which disturbs ir hinders the proper functioning of the body of the individual.

  1. Accute disease:  an acute disease is a disease that develop rapidly and last for a short time
  2. Chronic disease: it develop slowly and last for a very long time
  3. Infectious disease: it is a disease that is caused by pathogen like bacterial, viruses, fungi etc and can be spead from one person to another malaria etc
  4. Non-infectious disease:  it is a disease not caused by pathogen and cannot be spread from one person to another, the are caused by excessive or shortage of substances in the body
  5. Pathogen: these are disease causing agent
  6. Pathogenicity: it describe the ability of an organism to causes disease
  7. Vinilence: it is the degree of pathogenicity bacterial that causes server forms of disease
  8. Symptoms: the consist of the patient complain or condition felt by the partient which can not be abserve by the unlooker or doctor.
  9. Infection: it is the entering of the invasion and the subsequences development or multiplication of a pathogen
  10. Incubation period: it is the time take for a disease to manifest itself
  11. Health: health according to WHO it is the state of physical, mental or social fitness of wellness of an individuals.


It refers to a disease that occurs as a result of lack of important nutrient e.g Kwashiokor

INHERITED DISEASE: these are disease that are present at birth eg sickle cell anomia, haemophilia etc such diseases cannot be cure.

NB : deficiency disease and inherited disease are not contagious.


Ways in which disease can be transmitted

  • Food born;  poor keeping of food may cause the contamination of food which may transmite disease in your body.
  • Air born disease:  the inspiration of contaminated through couffing and all the rest can contaminated
  • Water borne disease: diseases can be obtained by contaminated water by drinking that water.
  • Insect borne disease: disease can be transmitted from one person by the means of insect that is the mosquito feet himself on the blood
  • Sexual transmitable disease


  1. Therapy: it is the treatment of diseases after diagnosis have been done
  2. Physiotherapy: it refers to the treatment by physical activity lilke massage, doing sport
  3. Chemotherapy: it is the treatment of disease by the use of chemicals substance such as drugs antibiotic etc.
  4. Radiotherapy: it is the treatment of diseases by the use of radiation e.g cancer
  5. Serotherapy: it is the treatment and prevention of a disease by the use of blood serum containing antibiotics
  6. Surgery: it is the treatment of diseases or injury by operation, those who practice operation are known as surgeons


Most diseases in human are caused by micro-organism such as;

  1.  Viruses:  poliomyelitis, rabbies, chicken pox, common cold, measles etc.
  2. Bacterials: tuberculosis, typhoid, fever, cholera leprosy, whoping, cough, tetanus etc
  3. Fungi: ring worm, athletsfoot.
par Claude Foumtum