An Experiment to Determine the Molecular Size
- Requirements: Lycopodium powder, clean water, olive oil,a tray, microscope, wire.
- Procedure: Alittle of lycopodium powder is sprinkled over the surface of some clean water contained in a tray. A small drop of olive oilof radius r is then putted on the surface of the water with help of a wire. The olive oil is then spread to form a circular film of one molecule thick. The lycopodium powder enables the edges of the oil to be clearly seen.
- Calculation:
let r = radius of drop,
a = radius of film and t = tickness of film
The volume of film = volume of drop
I.e. πr3t = 4 πr3 /3 therefore, t= 4πr33r²
Generally, the thickness of a molecule is given by; thickness= VolumeArea
- When the drop spread to a maximum then the film can be on molecule thick.
- The space between the molecules is ignored.
Example: Calculate the thickness of a molecule of volume 2.0*10-3m3, whose diameter is 4.0*10-2m.
t= VA= Vπr
But Vπ=2.0*10
-3m3 = 22/7
r= d2= 4.0*10-2m2=2.0*10-3m
t= 2.0*10-3m322/7(0.02m)²=2.0*10-3m33.14*4.0*10-4
t = 1.67m