Q= Rθ-R0R100-R0*100
Where R0
is the resistance at lower fixed point.
Also, Q= Lθ-L0L100-L0*100
Where L0=Lower fixed point or length
L100=Upper fixed point or length
Example: The resistance of a wire registers 5Ω at lower fixed point and 5.2Ω at upper fixed point. Calculate the temperature when the resistance is 5.5Ω.
Q= Rθ-R0R100-R0*100
But R0= 5Ω, R100=5.2Ω, Rθ=5.5Ω
θ=5.5Ω-5Ω5.2Ω-5Ω*100= 0.5Ω0.2Ω*100=250°C
θ = 250°C