- Melting: Solid to liquid.
- Sublimation: Solid to gas.
- Vaporization: Liquid to gas.
- Freezing: Liquid to solid.
- Deposition: Gas to solid.
- Condensation: Gas to liquid.
Evaporation and Boiling
Evaporation is the escape of liquid molecules into the gaseous state at a temperature other than boiling.
Differences between Evaporation and Boiling.
Takes place at all temperature
Occurs at 100°C
Takes place at the surface
Occurs in the entire liquid
Influenced by some factors
Influenced by pressure and impurities
Reduces the temperature
No temperature change
No bubbles are produced
Bubbles are produced
Factors Affecting Evaporation
- Temperature
The higher the temperature, the faster the rate of evaporation and vice versa.
- Wind
The rate of evaporation is faster when wind is blowing and is slower when the air still and vice-versa.
- Relative Humidity
The higher the relative humidity, the slower the rate of evaporation and vice-versa.
- Exposed Surface Area
The higher the exposed surface area, the higher the rate of evaporation and vice-versa.