- Totum divisum (division whole)i.e. it is the genus which is being divided
- Membra dividentia( dividing members) i.e. the species into which the genus is analyzed.
- Fundamentum divisionis (basis of the division) that which is being used in analyzing the totum divisum into membra dividentia e.g. the logical division writings can be aplit into genres such as epic, lyric, drama etc. the ‘ Totum divisum’ is writing whose ‘ membra dividentia’ are the respective genres meanwhile the ‘’ fundamentum division’’ is the basis of the division.
- The rules of logical division.
There are three main rules of logical division
- It must be adequate and complete i.e. the parts must together be equal to the whole, no part being overlooked.
- It must have only one principle basis of the division else its will lead to cross division.
- The division should be exhaustive and distint e.g. mammals could be distinctly divided into man, dogs, cats etc and not man, dogs, replies etc.