- Categorical propositions : There are two types : simple categorical and compound categorical propositions.
- A simple categorical proposition is a straight forward affirmations or negations e.g. affirmative S is P i.e. Girls are beautiful persons or (negative) S is not P i.e Girls are not beautiful persons.
- A compound categorical proposition consists of tzo or ,ore categorical propositions joined by the Word and, or the equivalent e.g. ‘’she is beautiful. He is ugly.’’
- Hypothetical propositions: It consists of an antecedent (first component) and a conseauent (second component). It deals with conditionals or suppositions ; it deals with the ‘’ if…..and then…..’’ e.g
- If oranges are sweet things then ,angoes are rotten things.’’Oranges are sweet things’’ is the antecedent and ‘’mangoes are rotten things’’ is the conseauent.OR using letters of the alphabet we have have ;
- If A is B then C is D. ‘’A is B’’ is the antecedent and ‘’C is D’’ is the consequent. Other forms are ;
- If A is B, it is C i.e If Susan fails the GCE then she will be irresponsible.
- If A is B,C is D i.e If a student works hard, then she will succeed the GCE.
It should also be mentioned here that the predicates of the conseauent can be negative, just as the antecedent can also be negative.e.g
- If Susan does not work hard then her husband will divorce her.
- If Susan words hard then her husband will not divorce her.
- If Susan does not work hard then her husband will not divorce her
N.B : If she is an intelligent girl then zill succeed the G.C.E and zill travel to europe.
- Disjunctive propositions : It deals zith alternatives. It is a statèrent that affirms or negates alternatives. They deal with either…… or………and neither…… nor………they have different forms e.g.
- A is either B or C i.e. Paul is either a students or a businesman
- Either A is B, or C is D i.e either boys are handsome or girls are beautiful. Here, both subjects and both predicates differ. ‘’A is B’’ is the subject and ‘’C is D’’ is the predicate
- Either A or B is C i.e. Either Cameroon or nigeria won the match
- Either A is not B or C is not D.
N.B. Neither A is B nor C is D (neither oranges are sweet things nor li,es are sour things)
- Either the examination was based on rights and duties or the auestions zere given early.
- Modal propositions : they are propositions that bring the speakers mind to what he is saying. They are qualified With words such as maybe , probably, after all, well,necessarily, possibly, etc e.g.
- Qfter all, he is a trained teacher.
- Maybe, she is a ,arried woman.
- Perhaps, he succeeded and will travel to buea.