
Logic Form 5 Art



Language as already mentioned is a large collection of arbitrary symbols that follow certain rules of combination and that have significance for the language using community. This view and other views on language have raised a good number of issues of feelings and thought.

  • Language is made up of a large number of symbols. They are referred to as word-labels that we have assigned for the mental representation of our experiences.
  • The symbols of language are arbitrary. They are arbitrary as agreed upon by the language speaking community. We call what we are reading a book because we have agreed on it.
  • Language symbols need to agree on the language using community. That is a number of people need to agree on the language symbols and what those symbols mean.
  • The symbols of a language must follow certain rules of combination. What this means is that language is structured or governed by rules.

Conclusively, language allows us to communicate to others how we feel and how we think. It is a social process that reflects a complex set of cognitive processes that will lead to the acquisition of say language in childhood. How children acquire language has been the concern of psycholinguistics.

par Claude Foumtum

Logic Form 5 Art