The U.P.C contested the election into the French assemble in 1951 and AICARM in 1952 and faired to win a single seat. It was due to the reluctance and the refuses of the French colonial administration to register most of the support of the U.P.C part and made them unable to vote hence contribution to their defeat.
The French colonial authority hated the party rigged the election in the favours of B.D.C candidates.
The Catholic Church Openly Company toward U.P.C the white bishop and priest of communist learning anti-religious and violence.
They told their Christian to detach themselves from the U.P.C party
The party did not have enough financial resource to bride the people and popular support on like the B.D.C which received French financial support and could penetrate the national territory.
The U.P.C failed to penetrate north Cameroon and win population support.