For any government to carry out its duties to the citizen its need income(money) with the aim of improving on the living standard of citizens. This income is gotten from different sources and is used to pay salaries, to provide social infrastructures and facilities as well as to support NGOs assisting the government. Some sources of government revenue include;
- Taxation : Taxes are compullsary payment levied on individuals and businesses for which no services are rendered. 60 percentage of cameroon’s government revenue comes from taxes individuals pays taxes on their income while business pay taxes on their profit. Tax may be direct or indirect.
- Direct taxes : this is tax collected directly from the person who pays it
- Indirect tax : This is tax which is paid a an amount added to the price of goods and services. This tax is not directly paid to the government.
- Surpluses from national corporation; such as CDC, ENEO,SONARA etc.
- Grand and AIDS : from international organization and financial institution such as the world bank, IMF,ADB.
- Privitisation : is the sales of government assets to private individuals.
- RENTS : from the use of public halls, houses, land and stadiums etc.