Dentition is the arrangement in which teeth are found in the mouth or bucal cavity. The pattern of an animal dentition varies with is diet.
Homodon teeth: This are teeth that has the same sizes and shape
Heterodont teeth: This are teeth of different size, shape and function: human being, rabbit, dog.
Mammals are classify into different categories
Hebivorous: This are animals that feed on grass e.g cow, goat.
Carnivores : This are animals that feed on flesh e.g lion, tigers
Omnivores : This are animals that feed both on grass and a flesh.
Structure of the teeth
Heterodont teeth are divided into four types
Incisors, Molars, canines, pre-molars
They differ in shape but have the same internal components. The teeth has a crown which project above the gum. The root which lies embedded in the jaw bone. The neck which is the junction of the crown and the root on it is known as the pulp cavity. The center of the teeth is mainly part with blood capillaries. The living tissues is a dentine and is surrounded by a hard enamel the cement covers the root of the tooth.
(diagram of and incisor and a molar tooth