Requirement: Glass tube, rubber band, pot and oil
Procedure: The effect of root pressure can be demonstrated by cutting the base of the stem of a potted plant and attaching a long glass tube to the cutend. This can be done with a short rubber tube. The pot, which is porous, is then enclosed in the cellphone bag, the mouth of which is tied firmly around the base of the stem. This is done to prevent water from evaporating from soil of the pol.
Result: If the plant is healthy and the pot well watered at the start of the experiment, a little water will be seen to wide from the cut end to the lstem. As soon as a small column of water has collected a layer of oil poured on it’s surface as to prevent evaporation. The water which excide from the stem, rises to a certain height and finally stop rising. The height denotes the maximum root pressure which can be exerted by the cells of the roots.
Conclusion: Roots pressure is responsible for conducting water upwards from the roots to the xylem cells of the stems.