These are sets of whole numbers ranging from negative infinity to positive infinity
= (………., -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+ = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …….)
- = (……., -4, -3, -2, -1)
- = ∅
- ∪
{0} = Z
+ ⊂Z,
- ⊂
, N
Compering integers
The negative integers closer to zero are greater than those further from zero, ex: -1 is greater than -2, -2 is greater than -3, -1 is greater than-50, etc…
The positive integers further away from zero are greater than those closer to zero, ex: 2 is greater than 1
Ex: compare the following using symbol < or >
a)-2 and -3, b)-4 and -7, c) 5 and 12
a)-2>-3, b)-4>-7, c)5<12
Arithmetic operations on integers
- Addition of integers
In adding integers, take note on the signs (+ or-). If all the signs are the same, add and maintain the sign
Ex: a)-4+-3=-4-3=7 b) +5+4=+(5+4) =+9=9
If the signs are different, subtract the smaller from bigger numbers in the magnitude and maintain the sign of the bigger numbers.
Ex: a)-7+3=-(7-3) =-4 This is because 7 is greater than 3 b) +8+-6=+(8-6) =+2=2
- Subtraction of integers
If A and B are 2 integers, then A-B=A+-B. Now, if the sign of B was positive, it becomes A+B but as it is negative, it becomes A+-B. We then apply the addition rule.
Ex: evaluate a) +3-+2, b) +3--2, c)-3-+2 d)-3--2
Solution: a) +3-+2=+3-2=+1, b) +3--2=+3+2=+5, c) -3-+2=-3-2=-5, d) -3--2=-3+2=-1
- Multiplication and division of integers
When multiplying 2 integers, the following rules must be respected;
- Positive number * positive number = positive number ex:4*4=16
- Negative number * negative number = positive number ex: -4*-4=16
- If one is positive and the other negative, multiply them and leave your answer negative ex:8*-2=-16
All the above rules also apply for division
Ex: a)20 / +5 = 4, b) -20 / -5 = 4, c) -20 / +5 = -4, d)20 / -5 = -4
Commutative properties of integers
Let M and N be 2 integers
- M + N = N + M and we say addition of integers is commutative
Ex: 4+-5=-5+4=1
- M * N = N * M and we say multiplication of integers is commutative
Ex: 3*-2=-2*3=-6
- M - N ≠ N - M and so, we say subtraction of integers is not commutative
Ex: 5-3=2 ≠ 3-5=-2
- M / N ≠ N / M and so, we say division is not commutative
Ex: 16 / 8=2 ≠ 8 / 16=1/2
NB: Division and subtraction of integers are not commutative except when M=N.