Fraction are divided into 2 called the numerators and the denominators. That is,
Fraction = numerator/denominator
Types of fractions
- Proper fraction: This is a type of fraction in which the numerator is smaller than the denominator, ex: 1/2, 3/4
- Improper fraction: This is a type of fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator, ex: 5/2, 7/3
- Mixed fraction: This is a type of fraction with a whole number, ex: 112
, 734
Converting to improper fraction from mixed fraction
Ex: convert the following to mixed fraction
- 135
, b)237
Solution: a) 5 13 13/5 = 235
b) 7 23 23/7 = 327
Converting from mixed fraction to improper fractions
Ex: convert 234
and 112
into improper fractions
Solution: 234
= 4*2+34
= 114
= 2*1+12
= 32
NB: Proper and improper fractions are generally called vulgar fractions
Equivalent fractions
These are 2 or more fractions with the same amount
Ex: a) ½ is equivalent to 2/4, b) 3/6 is equivalent to 6/12, c) 6/12 is equivalent to 1/2.
To obtain the equivalent of a fraction, we either multiply both numerator and denominator of the fraction by the same number or divide both by the same number.
Ex: a) 2/4 = 2*34*3
= 6/12 which is equivalent to 2/4
b) 27/81 = 27/2781/27
= 1/3 which equivalent to 27/81
Simplify fractions
This implies expressing a fraction in its simplest form. To simplify a fraction, the following procedures are taken;
- Look for the lowest factor that can divide both the numerator and the denominator
- Divide them and continue until they can no longer divide
Ex: simplify
a)33/44 = 3*114*11
= 3/4, b)121/36 don’t have a lowest common factor, so it cannot be simplified
Comparing fractions
To compare 2 or more fractions is to say which is bigger or which is smaller than the other. It means arranging fractions in ascending order (from the smallest to the biggest) or in descending order (from the biggest to the smallest).
Ex: state which is greater
a)5/7 or 3/7, b)2/9 or 2/3
Solution: a) 5/7>3/7 since it has a bigger numerator and their denominators are the same
b)2/3>2/9 since it has a smaller denominator as compared to the other
Different numerator and different denominator
Ex: which is greater a)3/4 or 4/5, b)1/3 or 5/16
a) 3/4 or 4/5 b) 1/3 or 5/16
15 or 16 = 4/5 > 3/4 16 or 15 = 1/3 > 5/16